OBKA Out and About 2023

This page shows the various events throughout the year that Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association has attended informing the public about honey bees and beekeeping.
And perhaps selling some honey.

Blenheim Flower Show 22nd – 24th June 2023

Oxfordshire Beekeepers Association has been invited to the annual Blenheim Flower Show for a number of years (see previous annual Out and Abouts) and we were pleased to be back in 2023.

This year we were able to have some ‘live bee’ demonstrations and they are very popular. They ability to do these does depend on the weather which this year was ideal.

But first, all the tents and equipment needs to be set up

Once up and running the stand attracted a lot of visitors. The Observation hive is always of interest to children who love to try to spot the queen.

But the big crowd-puller this year was the live bee displays. These are arranged by Peter Hawkins who this year had hi s9 year-old grandson, Harry, to help with the demonstrations.

The show organisers for OBKA, Eric Perkins and Peter Hawkins, would like to thank everyone who assisted in setting up, on the stand for the 3 days, and of course the stripping out at the end of the show and returning all the kit to the Training apiary shed.