Membership Benefits

By joining OBKA, you will benefit from being a part of the Oxfordshire beekeeping community with a wealth of knowledge and experience on tap. Membership of OBKA offers a range of practical advice and services to hobbyist and other small scale beekeepers. OBKA also provides assistance to members wishing to purchase or dispose of unwanted colonies, swarms and equipment by allowing members to place personal (noncommercial) advertisements on this website. If you have any questions about membership, please contact our Membership Secretary using the form on the ‘Contact Us‘ page.

EducationBBKA MembershipEquipment
OBKA runs an annual taster session and practical Beginners’ Courses at our teaching apiary. We also conduct the BBKA Basic Assessment, the first rung on the BBKA qualifications ladder.OBKA members also become members of the British Beekeepers Association and benefit from their insurance policies.The Association has a manual honey extractor (details in the Members section) which is available to members. OBKA also provides assistance in the purchase or disposal of unwanted stocks, swarms and secondhand equipment via adverts in the Member’s Classifieds section.

FAQs for potential OBKA members

We hope the following might help with any questions you might have about joining OBKA:

It is generally recognised and recommended that new beekeepers have a mentor to help and guide them through their first year of beekeeping – see for example the advice of The Apiarist.   Mentoring can take many forms, from just having someone on the end of a phone to call when you are not sure what to do to someone who is able and willing to come to your apiary to help you with your bees.   We try whenever possible put beginner beekeepers in touch with a more experienced OBKA beekeeper as a mentor. If you would like us to try to find a mentor please send an enquiry to the OBKA Secretary.  

Unfortunately not. Notwithstanding that in most years the course is over-subscribed and we therefore have a reserve list, we don’t think that it is of benefit to a new beekeeper to miss one of the sessions.

Unfortunately we cannot do this at the moment as we have not (yet) asked members if we can share their personal information (i.e. their name and addresses) with other members. We are looking into how we can seek members permission to share this information but we need to reassure ourselves that we can manage this given that people may change their minds during the year and we would need a robust process to keep members wishes regarding sharing their personal data up to date.


But what we can do for you is to put an advert on this website (in the members area) and in the newsletter saying that you are interested in making contact with other beekeepers in your area. Please email the Secretary at including, of course your location (town/area; we won’t put your full address in unless you give us permission to) and how people could contact you.


An alternative way to contact other members is via the OBKA Facebook closed group.

We provide several ways to help members develop their beekeeping skills and knowledge.



Our main offering is Beginners training. This course, which involves five practical sessions, gives beginners sufficient knowledge to manage a colony through the year. We also run a beekeeping taster session in August which is a simple demonstration of handling bees for complete novices. Both courses are described more fully in the Learning About Beekeeping section of the website.

All training takes place at our dedicated training apiary at Marlborough School, Woodstock.


Talks and Apiary visits


We run talks on beekeeping topics, mainly in the winter months, and occasionally arrange apiary visits during summer. We also have two apiary sessions each year where an experienced beekeeper gives a demonstration of handling bees as part of our training apiary tidy-up sessions. (Spring and autumn Apiary tidy-up sessions). These are all listed in the Events calendar on the website (see below).




It is generally recognised and recommended that new beekeepers have a mentor to help and guide them through their first year of beekeeping – see for example the advice of The Apiarist.


Mentoring can take meny forms, from just having someone on the end of a phone to call when you are not sure what to do to someone who is able and willing to come to your apiary to help you with your bees.


We try whenever possible put beginner beekeepers in touch with a more experienced OBKA beekeeper as a mentor. If you would like us to try to find a mentor please send an enquiry to the OBKA Secretary.


BBKA Exams


We encourage beekeepers to improve their knowledge of beekeeping and to attempt the British BeeKeepers Association’s (BBKA) examinations. Where possible we hope to get some members each year through the BBKA Basic exam, the first step on the BBKA beekeeper qualifications ladder.




We run a website which is our primary means of communicating with members and the general public. In the public area there is an Events calendar that lists all events in detail that are happening at OBKA plus other events that could be of interest to members and beekeepers generally.

There is a members only area which contains a lot of information for members and is the place to access the library (see below) and other member-only information such as a ‘classified adverts’ section.


OBKA Library


OBKA has a library of over 250 books which can be borrowed by members. Members can find access  the library catalogue here.




We issue a monthly Newsletter where we welcome contributions from members such as articles about their beekeeping experiences and adverts.




We also run a private Facebook page; there is a link to the Facebook group from the OBKA website.


Our beginners course uses the Haynes Bee manual as a reference. It’s not especially expensive and readily available so well worth buying as your first book on beekeeping as it gives clear, simple explanations of what is involved managing a colony. There are a number of similar books available covering beekeeping for beginners.


There are various beekeeping websites, some of which are helpful, others less so. We suggest you start with the British Beekeepers Association’s website. Another website, aimed more at existing beekeepers, is BeeBase. This is run by DEFRA and aims to promote bee health; it contains a lot of excellent information on bee diseases, for example and has a dedicated page Advice for New Beekeepers.


There are a number of beekeepers that have blogs. We would suggest you have a look at the blog by The Apiarist and perhaps, for a USA view,  Scientific Beekeeping


You will probably need to buy some beekeeping equipment. There are of course various suppliers on the internet about although as a charity we are cautious about mentioning any specific supplier, let alone recommending any. There is a list of beekeeping equipment stockists at the end of the BeeBase Advice for New Beekeepers page

Firstly, there are a few things worth checking:


  • Has the email with the newsletter ended up in your ‘junk’ folder?
  • If your membership status is Partner you will not receive the newsletter.
  • Have you unsubscribed from emails? If you have received a previous group email from OBKA and clicked on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the end of the email then you have in fact unsubscribed yourself from all OBKA group emails. Yes, we know this is a bit of a bug as you might want to see some, but not all, emails from OBKA but this is an ‘all or nothing’ service that we get for free from BBKA.


If you have gone through the above, or indeed have clicked unsubscribe, then please emails the membership secretary at  (please include your membership details) and the problem will be looked into.

Join Here

Membership runs from January to December and renewals must be paid by the 1st January. For new members there is no pro rata payment if you join during the year.

OBKA Membership Classes – 2023

The following table lists OBKA Membership Classes for 2023, highlighting changes from earlier years in yellow.

Three new membership classes, aligned with BBKA membership classes, are available.

Membership ClassPurposeBenefitsCost/year
RegisteredOrdinary beekeeping membersIncludes British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) membership, public liability insurance, Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) for up to three colonies, and a monthly copy of the BBKA magazine.£29.00
PartnerPartner of a Registered member
A teacher at same school as a School Member
The same benefits as a Registered or School member, excluding the BBKA magazine and BDI insurance.£19.50
JuniorUnder 18 years old whether keeping bees or notIncludes British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) membership, public liability insurance, Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) for up to three colonies, and a monthly copy of the BBKA magazine.£14.00
SchoolSchool or similar educational institution, including corrective and religious institutionsIncludes British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) membership, Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) for up to three colonies, and a monthly copy of the BBKA magazine.£29.00
Local MemberPeople who support OBKA but whose BBKA membership is held by another associationFor a person paying full membership to another beekeepers’ association affiliated to BBKA. Excludes public liability insurance, Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) and the BBKA magazine.£6.00
CountryNon-beekeeping members who wish to be involved in BBKA and OBKAIncludes British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) membership and a monthly copy of the BBKA magazine. Excludes public liability insurance and Bee Disease Insurance.£16.00
HonoraryAny member who is awarded honorary membership by BBKA and/or OBKAIncludes British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) membership, public liability insurance, Bee Disease Insurance (BDI) for up to three colonies, and a monthly copy of the BBKA magazine.N/A

No cash is accepted and electronic payments are the preferred method.


  • The terms and conditions for the various insurance policies are given on the BBKA website.
  • If you have more than three hives, you can purchase additional BDI cover for an additional fee. For more information, go to the BBKA website or view the OBKA paper application form.
  • If you fail to insure all your hives, the BDI cover will be invalidated in the case of a claim being made.
  • For people who take out membership during the year, the BDI only becomes effective after a period of 40 days.

In order to join we do need you to complete the online form, below, and to have an email address. If you do not have an email address and are unable to get one (and there are many free email providers) then please use the Contact Us form to indicate that you do not have an email address and the Membership secretary will see what they can do to enable your membership application.