OBKA Annual Taster Days
OBKA Taster Day 2025 – Sunday 24th August
Our Annual Taster Day this year is on Sunday 24th August 2025. We will be running two sessions: AM 10:30-12:30 and PM 13:30-15:30. Please specify in the form below your session of choice.
The purpose of the Taster Day is to give members of the public with no experience of bee keeping a brief insight as to what is involved including a look inside a bee colony. And if, after the Taster Day, you feel you would like to consider having your own bees then you might want to consider attending our Beginners course that will be starting in the New Year 2026.
The Taster Day takes place at out Training Apiary at Marlborough School, Woodstock. We provide bee suits, all you need to bring is some stout footwear (wellington boots are ideal) and some gloves; marigolds or similar are again ideal. There is a nominal cost to the Taster sessions of £12.00