OBKA Clean-Up Day 15th October 2023

Andy Pedley, OBKA Apiary Manager writes:

“Thanks to all who came to the Apiary on the 15th for the clean up session; we took the last feeder off, and tucked that colony up for the winter. The others had already had feeders removed, fondant applied, and in the case of the national hives, insulation put on (I’ve used Celotex, which we’ve had in stock). A couple of dead outs were cleaned out, and equipment stored for the winter. Peter mowed the grass, for the last time this year (probably!).

There will be another session in November to catch up on other maintenance, and then a couple in December, to keep the place spick and span, and one to treat the hives with Oxybee against Varroa – that will be after Christmas.

Dates to be finalised (depends on the weather!) so events will be publicised on the WhatsApp Groups, Facebook page and on this website. And maybe in an email to all members too!”