Oxfordshire Beekeepers Annual General Meeting

The 2024 OBKA AGM was held last night (Tue 19th March 2024), with a good turn out of 20 and a further 15 sending their apologies.

Thanks to Merylin and Gill who ensured attendees were fed and watered, enabling us to attend to the business of the evening.

We had a quick run through the various pre-prepared reports with no major comments. The board of trustees now sits at a healthy number of 6, with some new and some re-elected. OBKA passes on its thanks to Michael Fleming, who did not seek re-election, for all his hard work in the role. We wish him all the best for the future.

There was an excellent discussion around the Asian Hornet and the need to put something in place to educate ourselves and our members on how to deal with them, after which attendees attempted some blind honey tasting. Results were mixed but I’m happy to report the supermarket ‘honey’ was identified by most a mile off!

Photos Credit Yvonne Parks